We’re Here for You: Car Accident Lawyers in Sarnia, Ontario
Car accidents can happen at any time and can have consequences that can last a lifetime. If you are involved in a car accident, you need an experienced lawyer who specializes in car accidents in Sarnia. Your first call should be to Katzman, Wylupek LLP to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.
Assess your injuries. You may be compensated for several different types of injuries, including:
- Brain and Spinal Injuries
- Orthopedic Injuries
- Whiplash
- Mental Trauma
Ontario law requires that you carry this insurance at all times. No-fault insurance makes sure that no matter who is at fault in the accident, everyone who is injured is entitled to compensation. The lawyers at Katzman, Wylupek LLP can discuss your case to help you use these benefits in the most effective way.
To be clear, even if you are at fault for an accident, you may still be entitled to compensation.
You will also likely be contacted by a representative of the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Their only concern is saving the insurance company money. What this means to you is that an insurance adjuster will attempt to settle your case for as little money as possible, or take a statement that prejudices your case. Before you speak with an adjuster or sign anything, contact a lawyer at Katzman, Wylupek LLP. We can help you get highest level of compensation possible and protect your rights.
Katzman, Wylupek LLP lawyers have extensive experience in the Ontario court and tribunal system. We even assist US citizens who have been injured in auto accidents in Canada.
Contact us by phone or email today to discuss your case for free!
Sarnia: 519-344-HURT (4878) | Windsor: 519-254-HURT (4878)
Chatham: 519-355-0000 | ONLINE
Tags:LawyerOntarioSarniaCar Accident |
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