A legal obligation to take action or not take action as specified by statute. Under personal injury law (tort law), individuals must take duty of reasonable care to avoid personally injuring others.
- Abet
- Absolute Discharge
- Accident Benefits
- Act
- Action
- Adjuster
- Aid
- Appearance
- Assize
- At Bar
- Attendant Care
- Attorney General
- Automatism
- Bail
- Bill
- Bona Fide
- Break and Enter
- Brain Injury
- Canadian Bill of Rights
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Caregiver Benefit
- Case Manager
- Catastrophic Impairment
- Caveat
- Challenge for Cause
- Conspiracy
- Circumstantial Evidence
- Cite or Citation
- Claim
- Claimant
- Co-Conspirator
- Compensatory Damages
- Concurrent Sentence
- Conditional Discharge
- Conditional Sentence
- Consecutive Sentence
- Contemnor
- Contempt of Court
- Cross Examination
- Damages
- Deductible
- Defendant
- Direct Evidence
- Economic Loss
- Emotional Distress
- Examination in Chief
- Extortion
- False Pretence
- First Degree Murder
- Forseeability
- Fraud
- Functional Limitations
- Future Damages
- Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
- Health Care Expenses
- Homicide
- Income Replacement Benefits
- Insane Automatism
- Intentional Torts
- Intermittent Sentence
- Law Reports
- Law Society
- Legislation
- Legislature
- Limitations Period
- Long-time Offender
- Loss of Consortium
- Maximum Sentence
- Mediation
- Minimum Sentence
- Negligence
- Non-Earner Benefit
- Non-Insane Automatism
- Offence
- Pardon
- Parole
- Particulars
- Personal Injury Law
- Plaintiff
- Pleading
- Pre-Claim Examination
- Preliminary Inquiry
- Presumption of Innocence
- Pre-Trial Conference
- Privilege
- Product Liability Law
- Punitive Damages
- Reasonable Doubt
- Reasonable Person Standard
- Registry
- Self-Defence
- Specific Deterrence
- Statement of Claim
- Statement of Defence
- Statute
- Strict Liability Law
- Suspended Sentence
- Theft
- Threshold
- Tort Law
- Uttering
- Writ of Summons
- Young Offenders Act